
Investment Service Centre

Listed Companies Information

KAM HING INT'L<02307> - Results Announcement

Kam Hing International Holdings Limited announced on 25/04/2006:
(stock code: 02307 )
Year end date: 31/12/2005
Currency: HKD
Auditors' Report: Unqualified

                                                        (Audited   )
                                     (Audited   )       Last
                                     Current            Corresponding
                                     Period             Period
                                     from 01/01/2005    from 01/01/2004
                                     to 31/12/2005      to 31/12/2004
                               Note  ('000      )       ('000      )
Turnover                           : 1,499,403          1,315,650         
Profit/(Loss) from Operations      : 116,343            140,853           
Finance cost                       : (26,081)           (15,870)          
Share of Profit/(Loss) of 
  Associates                       : N/A                N/A               
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities      : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI       : 78,959             104,762           
% Change over Last Period          : -24.6     %
EPS/(LPS)-Basic (in dollars)       : 0.123              0.20              
         -Diluted (in dollars)     : N/A                0.20              
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)    : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items      : 78,959             104,762           
Final Dividend                     : 3.1 cents          1.6 cents
  per Share                                              
(Specify if with other             : N/A                N/A
B/C Dates for 
  Final Dividend                   : 24/05/2006         to 29/05/2006 bdi.
Payable Date                       : 12/06/2006
B/C Dates for Annual         
  General Meeting                  : 24/05/2006         to 29/05/2006 bdi.
Other Distribution for             : N/A
  Current Period                     
B/C Dates for Other 
  Distribution                     : N/A   

1.      The basis of preparation and accounting policies

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong 
Financial Reporting Standards ("HKFRSs") (which also include Hong Kong 
Accounting Standards ("HKASs") and Interpretations) issued by the Hong 
Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, accounting principles 
generally accepted in Hong Kong and the disclosure requirements of the 
Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.  They have been prepared under the 
historical cost convention, except for equity investments, which have been 
measured at fair value.  These financial statements are presented in Hong 
Kong dollars and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand (HK$'000) 
except when otherwise indicated.

Basis of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of 
the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2005.  The 
results of subsidiaries are consolidated from the date of acquisition, 
being the date on which the Group obtains control, and continue to be 
consolidated until the date that such control ceases.  All significant 
intercompany transactions and balances within the Group are eliminated on 

Minority interests represent the interest of an outside shareholder in the 
results and net assets of a Company's subsidiary.

Impact of new and revised Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards
The following new and revised HKFRSs affect the Group and are adopted for 
the first time for the current year's financial statements:
        HKAS 1  Presentation of Financial Statements 
        HKAS 2  Inventories 
        HKAS 7  Cash Flow Statements
        HKAS 8  Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and 
        HKAS 10 Events after the Balance Sheet Date
        HKAS 12 Income Taxes
        HKAS 14 Segment Reporting
        HKAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment
        HKAS 17 Leases
        HKAS 18 Revenue
        HKAS 19 Employee Benefits
        HKAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
        HKAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
        HKAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
        HKAS 32 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation
        HKAS 33 Earnings per Share
        HKAS 36 Impairment of Assets
        HKAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
        HKAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
        HKAS 39 Amendment Transition and Initial Recognition of Financial 
                Assets and Financial Liabilities 
        HKAS 40 Investment Property
        HKFRS 2 Share-based Payment
        HKFRS 3 Business Combinations
        HK-Int 4        Leases - Determination of the Length of Lease Term 
                        in respect of Hong Kong Land Leases
The adoption of HKASs 2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 27, 33, 36, 37, 
40, HKFRS 3 and HK-Int 4 has had no material impact on the accounting 
policies of the Group and the Company and the methods of computation in 
the Group's and the Company's financial statements.
HKAS 1 has affected the presentation of minority interests on the face of 
the consolidated balance sheet, consolidated income statement, 
consolidated statement of changes in equity and other disclosures.  
HKAS 24 has expanded the definition of related parties and affected the 
Group's related party disclosures.

The impact of adopting the other HKFRSs is summarised as follows:
(a)     HKAS 17 - Leases

In prior years, leasehold land and buildings held for own use were stated 
at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses.

Upon the adoption of HKAS 17, the Group's leasehold interest in land and 
buildings is separated into leasehold land and leasehold buildings.  The 
Group's leasehold land is classified as an operating lease, because the 
title of the land is not expected to pass to the Group by the end of the 
lease term, and is reclassified from property, plant and equipment to 
prepaid land lease payments, while leasehold buildings continue to be 
classified as part of property, plant and equipment.  Prepaid land 
premiums for land lease payments under operating leases are initially 
stated at cost and subsequently amortised on the straight-line basis over 
the lease term.  When the lease payments cannot be allocated reliably 
between the land and buildings elements, the entire lease payments are 
included in the cost of the land and buildings as a finance lease in 
property, plant and equipment.

This change in accounting policy has had no effect on the consolidated 
income statement and retained profits.  The comparative amounts for the 
year ended 31 December 2004 in the consolidated balance sheet have been 
restated to reflect the reclassification of the leasehold land from 
property, plant and equipment to prepaid land lease payments.

(b)     HKAS 32 and HKAS 39 - Financial Instruments

Derecognition of financial assets and liabilities

In prior years, the Group derecognised the discounted bills with recourse 
as financial assets and liabilities, and disclosed them as contingent 
liabilities.  Upon the adoption of HKAS 39, a financial asset is 
derecognised when and only when, either the contractual rights to the 
asset's cash flows expire, or the asset is transferred and the transfer 
qualifies for derecognition in accordance with HKAS 39.  The Group has 
applied the revised accounting policy prospectively for transfers of 
financial assets for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005.

In accordance with HKAS 39, the Group's discounted bills with recourse are 
now accounted for as collateralised bank advances prospectively as at 31 
December 2005, as the financial assets derecognition conditions as 
stipulated in HKAS 39 have not been fulfilled.  The comparative amounts as 
at 31 December 2004, which were previously treated as contingent 
liabilities of the Group prior to 1 January 2005, have not been restated 
in accordance with the transitional provisions of HKAS 39.

(c)     HKFRS 2 - Share-based Payment

In prior years, no recognition and measurement of share-based payment 
transactions in which employees (including directors) were granted share 
options over shares in the Company were required until such options were 
exercised by employees, at which time the share capital and share premium 
account were credited with the proceeds received.

Upon the adoption of HKFRS 2, when employees (including directors) render 
services as consideration for equity instruments ("equity-settled 
transactions"), the cost of the equity-settled transactions with employees 
is measured by reference to the fair value at the date at which the 
instruments are granted.

The main impact of HKFRS 2 on the Group is the recognition of the cost of 
these transactions and a corresponding entry to equity for employee share 
options.  The revised accounting policy for share-based payment 
transactions is described in more detail in note 2.5 "Summary of 
significant accounting policies" in the annual report.

The Group has adopted the transitional provisions of HKFRS 2 under which 
the new measurement policies have not been applied to (i) share options 
granted to employees on or before 7 November 2002; and (ii) share options 
granted to employees after 7 November 2002 but which had vested before 1 
January 2005.

As all existing share options of the Company were granted on 6 October 
2004 and had not yet vested as at 1 January 2005, HKFRS 2 had therefore 
been applied retrospectively.  The Group has recognised the cost of share 
options retrospectively which were granted on 6 October 2004 in the 
current year's income statement and restated the comparative figures 
accordingly, in accordance with the revised accounting policy.  

The effects of adopting HKFRS 2 are summarised below.

Summary of the impact of changes in accounting policies

(a)     Effect on the consolidated balance sheet

                                Effect of adopting      
                HKAS 17#        HKAS 39*        HKFRS 2#
                Prepaid         Discounted      Equity-settled
                land            bills           share
                lease           with            option
                payments        recourse        arrangements    Total
                HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000

At 1 January 2005
Effect of new policies

 plant and
 equipment      (19,982)        -               -               (19,982)        
Prepaid land
 lease payments 19,533          -               -               19,533
Accounts and
 receivable     -               77,843          -               77,843
 deposits and
 receivables    449             -               -               449
Liabilities/ equity
Bank advances
 for discounted
 bills          -               77,843          -               77,843
Share option
 reserve        -               -               1,000           1,000
 profits        -               -               (1,000)         (1,000) 

*  Adjustments taken effect prospectively from 1 January 2005
#  Adjustments/presentation taken effect retrospectively

                                Effect of adopting      
                HKAS 17         HKAS 39         HKFRS 2
                Prepaid         Discounted      Equity-settled
                land            bills           share
                lease           with            option
                payments        recourse        arrangements    Total
                HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000

At 31 December 2005
Effect of new policies

Property, plant
 and equipment  (40,259)        -               -               (40,259)        
Prepaid land
 lease payments 39,395          -               -               39,395          
Accounts and
 receivable     -               104,894         -               104,894 
 deposits and
 receivables    864             -               -               864     
Bank advances
 for discounted
 bills          -               104,894         -               104,894
Share option
 reserve        -               -               4,300           4,300
 profits        -               -               (4,300)         (4,300)

(b)     Effect on the balances of equity at 1 January 2005

                                                        Effect of adopting
                                                        HKFRS 2
Effect of new policy                                    share option
(Increase/(decrease))                                   arrangements

1 January 2005
Share option reserve                                    1,000
Retained profits                                        (1,000)

The adoption of new and revised HKFRSs has had no impact on the Group's 
balances of equity as at 1 January 2004.
(c)     Effect on the consolidated income statement for the years ended 31 
December 2005 and 2004

                                                        Effect of adopting
                                                        HKFRS 2
                                                        share option
Effect of new policy                                    arrangements
Year ended 31 December 2005
Increase in administrative expenses                     (4,300)
Total decrease in profit                                (4,300)
Decrease in basic earnings per share                    HK(0.7 cent)
Decrease in diluted earnings per share                  N/A

Year ended 31 December 2004
Increase in administrative expenses                     (1,000)
Total decrease in profit                                (1,000)
Decrease in basic earnings per share                    HK(0.2 cent)
Decrease in diluted earnings per share                  HK(0.2 cent)

2.           Revenue and other income

Revenue, which is also the Group's turnover, represents the net invoiced 
value of goods sold, after allowances for returns and trade discounts, and 
fee income from knitting and dyeing services rendered.  All significant 
intra-group transactions have been eliminated on consolidation.

An analysis of the revenue and other income is as follows:

                                                2005            2004
                                                HK$'000         HK$'000 
Sale of goods                                   1,499,209       1,309,780
Fee income from knitting and dyeing services    194             5,870
                                                ---------       ---------
                                                1,499,403       1,315,650
                                                ---------       ---------
Other income
Fee income from freight handling services       4,274           5,724
Bank interest income                            671             253
Gross rental income                             1,347           -
Others                                          2,174           652
                                                ----------      ---------
                                                8,466           6,629
                                                ----------      ---------
                                                1,507,869       1,322,279
                                                ==========      =========

3.        Profit before tax

The Group's profit before tax is arrived at after charging/(crediting):

                                                2005            2004
                                                HK$'000         HK$'000
Cost of inventories sold                        1,160,866       998,248
Cost of services provided                       189             3,467
Auditors' remuneration                          1,180           1,030
Research and development costs                  5,006           2,617
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment   55,860          33,760
Depreciation of investment properties           376             -
Amortisation of prepaid land lease payments     449             1,069
Employee benefits expense 
 (excluding directors' remuneration):
 Wages and salaries                             73,829          61,197
 Equity-settled share option expenses           3,010           700
 Pension scheme contributions                   3,962           1,801
                                                ---------       ---------
                                                80,801          63,698
                                                ---------       ---------
Minimum lease payments under operating leases
 in respect of land and buildings               2,049           728
Gain on disposal of items of property, plant
 and equipment                                  (160)           (3,165)
Bad debts written off                           -               418
Allowance/provision for doubtful debts          13,030          1,744
Write back of allowance/provision for doubtful
 debts                                          (147)           (1,540)
Write back of provision for other receivables   -               (200)
Foreign exchange differences, net               481             (4,594)
                                                ==========      ==========

Cost of inventories sold includes HK$90,112,000 for the year ended 31 
December 2005 (2004: HK$60,770,000) in respect of depreciation and staff 
costs, which are also included in the respective total amounts disclosed 
separately above.

Research and development costs include HK$3,172,000 for the year ended 31 
December 2005 (2004: HK$796,000) in respect of staff costs and 
depreciation, which are also included in the respective total amounts 
disclosed separately above.

At 31 December 2005, the Group had no forfeited contributions available to 
reduce its contributions to the pension scheme in future years (2004: Nil

4.        Finance costs                                                    
                                                2005            2004
                                                HK$'000         HK$'000
Interest on bank loans and overdrafts
wholly repayable within five years              22,379          13,249
Interest on finance leases                      3,702           2,621
                                                --------        --------
                                                26,081          15,870
                                                ========        ========

5.        Tax
                                                2005            2004
                                                HK$'000         HK$'000
Current tax - Hong Kong
 Charge for the year                            6,014           15,072
 Underprovision/(overprovision) in respect
 of prior years                                 (1,178)         272
Current tax - Elsewhere
 Charge for the year                            8,439           5,914
 Underprovision/(overprovision) in respect
 of prior years                                 121             (967)
Deferred tax credit                             (2,084)         (70)
                                                ---------       --------        
Total tax charge for the year                   11,312          20,221
                                                =========       ========

Hong Kong profits tax has been provided on the estimated assessable 
profits arising in Hong Kong at the rate of 17.5% (2004: 17.5%).  Taxes on 
profits assessable elsewhere have been calculated at the rates of tax 
prevailing in the countries in which the Group operates, based on existing 
legislation, interpretations and practices in respect thereof.

Panyu Kam Hing Textile Dyeing Co. Ltd. ("Panyu KH Textile"), a wholly-
owned PRC subsidiary of the Company, is entitled to be exempted from 
enterprise income tax in the PRC for the first two profit-making years 
followed by a 50% reduction in the enterprise income tax for the 
succeeding three years.

According to a confirmation obtained by Panyu KH Textile from the PRC tax 
bureau, 2001 was the first profit-making year of Panyu KH Textile for PRC 
corporate income tax purpose.  For each of the years ended 31 December 
2004 and 2005, the applicable tax rate of Panyu KH Textile, after the 50% 
reduction, was 12%.

6.            Dividend
                                                2005            2004
                                                HK$'000         HK$'000
Proposed final - HK3.1 cents per ordinary
 share (2004: 1.6 cents)                        19,840          10,240
                                                =======         =======

The proposed final dividend for the year is subject to the approval of the 
Company's shareholders at the forthcoming annual general meeting.

7.            Earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders 
of the company
The calculation of basic earnings per share amounts is based on the profit 
for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company of 
HK$78,959,000 (2004 (restated): HK$104,762,000) and the weighted average 
of 640,000,000 (2004: 523,716,000) ordinary shares deemed to have been in 
issue during the year.

Diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2005 has not 
been disclosed, as the share options outstanding during the year had an 
anti-dilutive effect on the basic earnings per share during the year.

The calculation of diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 
December 2004 was based on the profit for the year attributable to 
ordinary equity holders of the Company of HK$104,762,000 (restated).  The 
weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation was the 
523,716,000 ordinary shares deemed to have been in issue during that year 
as used in the basic earnings per share calculation, and the weighted 
average of 543,000 ordinary shares assumed to have been issued at no 
consideration on the deemed exercise of all share options outstanding 
during that year.